• Integrated Circuits

    Analog, Logic IC, Active Filter, Processor,Memory, Chipsets and more

  • Discrete Semiconductors

    Diodes & Rectifiers, Thyristors,Transistors, Discrete Semiconductor Modules

  • Passive Components

    Capacitora, Resistors, Filers, lnductora, Sound Devices, Transformers and more

  • Memory

    NAND Flash, NOR Flash, DRAM, Storage and more

  • Storage

    HDD,Memory Cards, USB Storage and more

  • Connector

    Audio & Video Connectors, USB Connects, IC & Component Sockets, PCB Connectore, Terminals

Product line




Medical Equipment

Consumer Electronics

Industrial Equipment

Security Equipment

New Energy

Automotive Electronics


Smart Building

Service Introduction

  • Shortage Supply

    Providing scarce, hottest,price fluctuation components supply service for solving your worries on material shortage.

    Production cycle can be seriously disruppted by material shortage. No matter it is EOL(End-of-life) or hard to find in market.

    We have the experience and knowhow of sourcing these obsolete components from verified suppliers, which can help customers maintain production and improve time to market.

    Our strict vendor rating system we have in place ensures we source quality components from our approved suppliers.

    Wide cooperations with EMS manufacturers, franchise distributors and other excess inventories enable us to resolve your shortage in the soonest time.

    We continue to identify the original sources for components to offer the most competitive prices.

  • Excess Handling

    Providing surplus electronicm material stock commissions and storage cleaning service for helping you to lower property damage and enabling capital withdrawal.

    Our supply chain solutions offer EMS and OEM manufacturers flexible processes with attention to detail to help reduce costs, increase returns and drive recovery revenue.

    Quickly turning surplus components into recovered value.

    Maximimum ROI on at-risk inventory including excess inventory as well as end-of-life/obsolete components.

    Utilization of excess inventory for upcoming global demands by consolidation.

  • PPV

    Providing procurement-costreducing service to maximize profit from standard cost.

    Through our partners in America, Europe and Asia, we are able to find the components at best price available in the market.

    Share your BOM , and we’ll track your demand in real-time.

    We’ll track down matching components on the open market that are below the standard pricing.

    As long as there are components you need a steady stock of on your BOM, we’ll find and deliver them at your specified pricing.

  • EOL Parts

    Providing EOL, cold shutdown, small batch and maintenance use components or parts, to greatly improve your procurement efficiency.

    We have the largest network of trusted open-market contacts in the industry

    We’ll connect you to the massive range of components available worldwide

    Partner with KOLINK experts who can track current and obsolete parts